• Jeff Osterhoudt was our first veteran to participate in our programs and it to date our biggest success story! We are proud of his ongoing success.  Watch his story HERE

  • "I recently discovered this organization through a conversation with Bryce Mahoney of Darby Project, when discussing personal goals. Bryce informed me of ReGroup Foundation, being very similar to my idea, and passed my information to Antonio Ruiz. Immediately after linking us up, Antonio reached out to me. He spoke with me not as a recruiter, but as a mentor. It’s very evident he truly cares for the mission, and all like minded missions. Which solidifies the fact where his heart is. ReGroup Foundation has a very well thought out and practical plan to confront the biggest obstacles Veterans face in transition. I look forward to being a part of this organization, even at the lowest level. My personal military to civilian transition has been a difficult process. Some issues were self inflicted and poor decision making on my part. Some issues were out of my hand. I’ve faced many relationship, legal, employment, health, and housing issues since I’ve gotten out. If it wasn’t for my loving friends and family, I wouldn’t be here today. But it shouldn’t be on the people I love. There needs to be a program established to ensure good, quality, and well trained Veterans, can transition successfully into the world. ReGroup is addressing this."      ~ Korey Cunningham

  • "I left Wyoming to run in the 2019 NYC Marathon. While I was gone, I found out that my estranged spouse moved out of our home and emptied my accounts and filed a nuisance protective order (that would eventually be dismissed), and severed all contact between me and my children. I watched helplessly from afar as my accounts were drained, and life as I knew it was lit on fire. My plane wouldn't leave for another 3 days, and I was being eaten alive by uncertainty. What I was certain about was that I was coming back to an empty home, devoid of my family. I moved to the wilds of Wyoming 3 years ago and have yet to make any friends outside of my local search and rescue unit. So as I traveled home I was bracing myself to be completely on my own, abandoned and hopeless left to fight the worst battle of my life. As devastating as it all happened, it didn't take long to get the word out that I was in crisis. I was shocked to experience the response that I did from the veteran community. There were a handful of organizations that rushed to support me in the midst of my crisis. ReGroup Foundation was at the forefront in their efforts to help me when I thought I had absolutely nothing or anyone. Their support was crucial in those early days, and is still vitally important as I navigate this new reality. All the phone calls, the text messages, new contacts, all their resources, and of course their earnest care and concern for my well being, were more valued and meaningful than I can accurately put into words. They were there for me when I thought no one would be. Thank you ReGroup Foundation for making a difference in my life and caring about a lone Ranger in the wilds of Wyoming."   ~ Derek Dutton

  • Endorsement by Deshauna Barber (Miss USA 2016) - Watch it HERE